
Webinar: HIB & the Changing Legal Landscape

Time limit: 365 days
1 credit

$40 Enroll

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Live Air Date: August 26, 2019


  • David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Director
  • Rebecca Gold, Former Director of Personnel and Administrative Services, Lawrence Township

As an Anti-Bullying Specialist, Anti-Bullying Coordinator or school administrator, you need to be ready on day one of the school year to implement New Jersey's anti-bullying Bill of Rights. In this LEGAL ONE webinar, participants will learn about the latest developments, including the most recent case law on HIB including the following:

  • the new law related to restorative justice
  • the new requirement to teach about affirmative consent to sexual advances:
  • and the latest guidance on parental rights under FERPA related to HIB investigation records.

The session will also include a concise overview of key policies and procedures that should be in place related to HIB.

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