
Webinar: Harm To Self and Others

Time limit: 365 days
1 credit

$40 Enroll

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Original live broadcast: October 9, 2018


David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Director; Susan Coyle, MA, Traumatic Loss Coalitions for Youth Coordinator for Middlesex County, Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care; Rebecca Gold, Former Director of Personnel and Administrative Services, Lawrence Township

With recent school tragedies on everyone’s mind, all staff needs to know what to do when a student may pose a threat of harm. But determining whether or not a student poses a credible threat to self or others is extremely complex. In this session participants will learn about the legal due process rights that must be afforded to students and parents when faced with this difficult question, including the additional protections involved for students with disabilities.

Participants will receive information regarding available risk assessment tools and approaches, and learn the latest research on indicators that a student may pose a credible threat. Finally, participants will learn when law enforcement must be involved, and the role of schools after such a contact is made.

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