FEA Professional Learning - Understanding Educator Evaluation During the Pandemic
Time limit: 365 days
2.5 credits
Full course description
- Anthony Scotto, Director of Curriculum & Instruction, Hamilton Township Public Schools (Mercer County)
- Patricia L. Haney, Superintendent, Logan Township School District (Gloucester County)
In this workshop, participants will gain an understanding of key aspects of the most recent NJDOE guidance regarding staff evaluation, and recently enacted legislation impacting staff evaluation. Key issues to be addressed will include:
- adhering to the regulatory requirements included in the NJDOE guidance;
- adhering to health and safety protocols during the evaluation process, including properly addressing the needs of supervisors with underlying medical conditions;
- determining how to address observation and evaluation of teaching staff members working remotely;
- determining how to address observation and evaluation of classes that include both in-person and remote students;
- determining how to address staff members who were previously on a Corrective Action Plan;
- engaging in progressive supervision and discipline in the age of COVID-19, including implementing new due process requirements related to progressive discipline for non-certificated staff members under P.L. 2020 Ch.66; and
- understanding the tenure and seniority rights of staff members in light of whether or not the staff member received a summative rating for the 2019-20 school year or received a rating of NE.
Live Air Date: Nov. 11, 2020
Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members
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