
Suicide Prevention: Students in Danger and the ABCs of HIB

Time limit: 365 days

$70 Enroll

Full course description

This comprehensive two-part online course features two LEGAL ONE webinar archive recordings presented by members of the LEGAL ONE team of “go-to” experts in school law.*

The ABCs of HIB: New Rules, Evolving Challenges, and Next Steps

  • David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Director
  • Rebecca Gold, Former Director of Personnel and Administrative Services, Lawrence Township
Harm to Self and Others: Identifying and Responding to Students in Imminent Danger

  • Susan Coyle, MA, TLC for Youth Coordinator of Middlesex County, Rutgers UBHC
  • David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Director
  • Rebecca Gold, Former Director of Personnel and Administrative Services, Lawrence Township
* Monmouth County Vocational School District ONLY