
LEGAL ONE - Student Mental Health Issues Certificate Program

Time limit: 365 days
15 credits

$375 Enroll

Full course description

Schools can play a significant role in addressing barriers that interfere with teaching and learning due to trauma and mental health issues. This program focuses on providing educators with key concepts and strategies to address those barriers. The certificate program includes:

  • One 1-hour live webinar on 10/22/20 (and/or archived): Developing Support Plans for At-Risk Students
  • Two Full days (9am-3pm) of Live Online training
    • 10/28/20: Addressing Student Mental Health Issues - An Overview of Key Legal Requirements
    • 10/29/20: Implementing Legally Defensible Protocols in Student Mental Health
  • Access to Signs Matter, a comprehensive online suicide prevention course
  • Additional pre-recorded content for self-paced completion after the live sessions

This certificate program will empower participants to work effectively with individual students and systemically within their schools to improve services and supports for students.

Topics include:

  • Signs of students dealing with a range of mental health issues including suicidal ideation
  • Understanding how to respond to students who may pose a threat to self or others
  • Learn how to plan and implement effective interventions and supports
  • Provide a framework for addressing student mental health issues