
LEGAL ONE - Module 2 - Student Rights and Responsibilities Version 2

Time limit: 365 days

$75 Enroll

Full course description

Welcome to the LEGAL ONE online course Module 2: Student Rights and Responsibilities.  There is no greater requirement for school officials than ensuring the safety and well-being of all students.  In this course, you will learn about the parameters of the duty of care owed to all students, the expectations for student behavior that should be enforced for all students, and the due process rights of students and parents.  The course includes in-depth attorney commentaries, scenarios that act out real world situations and supplemental resource materials.

The course is organized into eight parts.

  • Part 1: Duty of Care
    Provides an overview of the duty of care owed to all students.  It includes a review of the duty of care owed when students are on the way to school, at school or school sponsored functions, on the way home from school and the duty to protect and support students even when the harmful conduct targeting the student occurs away from school grounds, including on social media.

  • Part 2: Student Code of Conduct
    Features a detailed discussion of the requirements that should be included in the code of student conduct, and the range of consequences for behavior that violates the code of conduct.  It also includes a review of the due process rights available to students and parents.

  • Part 3: Child Abuse and Neglect
    Provides an in-depth discussion of legal requirements related to suspected child abuse and neglect, including physical abuse and sexual abuse.

  • Part 4: Students Under the Influence & Search and Seizure
    Focuses on the requirements related to students suspected of being in possession of, or under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and the related requirements related to the legal parameters for student searches.

  • Part 5: Student First Amendment Rights
    Addresses the complex issues related to Student First Amendment rights, including expression in school, outside of school, in school publications, and on social media.

  • Part 6: Students and Religious Expression
    Delves into issues related to student religious expression, including the protections available to students and the limitations placed on school officials in addressing issues of religion.

  • Part 7: HIB
    Provides an overview of legal requirements related to addressing issues of harassment, intimidation and bullying.

  • Part 8: Dating Violence
    Offers an overview of legal requirements related to addressing suspected student dating violence, including a review of the requirements that must be included in school district policy.

Finally, you will be required to complete an online assessment to ensure an understanding of the content covered throughout the course.  Once you have successfully completed the assessment, you will be able to print out your own certificate of completion.

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