
LEGAL ONE - Addressing HIB Claims & Discipline for Students with Disabilities

Time limit: 365 days

$50 Enroll

Full course description

Ensuring a safe learning environment for all students is the single most important responsibility for educators and school leaders.

Addressing this critical task becomes even more challenging when students with disabilities are involved, either as the alleged aggressor or target, given the extensive due process protections available to students with learning disabilities under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, or IDEA, and other federal laws.

Another potential issue to consider is what happens when the district determines after the fact that a student who engages in misbehavior has a learning disability.  Yet another challenge involves the responsibility of a school district to address behavior for students who are being educated in out of district placements.

A further layer of complexity comes into play when applying the wide array of state bullying and student discipline laws in cases involving students who are classified under IDEA.

This course is intended to assist you in navigating through this complex maze and ensuring that the rights of all students are fully protected. The course is organized into four modules.

  • MODULE 1 – Student Discipline Under IDEA
  • MODULE 2 – Addressing Bullying for Students with Disabilities
  • MODULE 3 – Resource Materials
  • MODULE 4 – Course Assessment Quiz

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