
Leadership Essentials that Build and Support Co-Teaching

Time limit: 365 days
3.5 credits

$75 Enroll

Full course description


  • Barbara Gantwerk, FEA Educational Consultant and former Coordinator of Special Projects, FEA

  • MaryAnn Joseph, FEA Educational Consultant and Instructional Coach

Administrators who participate in this course will explore essential elements of a Co-Teaching program in order to  build or strengthen Co-Teaching for teachers and students at their schools. Participants can approach the course as individual administrators or as an administrative team as they define policy and practice in the area of Co-Teaching.

The intent of this course is to explore foundational concepts of Co-Teaching and prepare leaders to design a high-quality learning environment, not only for the students who will receive this special education program delivery model but for the teachers and staff who will work within the model.  

At the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Define Co-Teaching as a program that includes students with IEPs in general education classrooms.

  • Develop a personalized plan to support and strengthen Co-Teaching in the school/district.

  • Apply tools and resources to support teachers and learners in Co-Teaching classrooms.

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