
School Climate: Leveraging the Power of School Climate Teams with 10 Essential Conversations

Time limit: 365 days
3.5 credits

$75 Enroll

Full course description


  • Pat O’Keefe, FEA Consultant
  • Patricia Wright, Executive Director, NJPSA

The Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights established School Climate Teams in every NJ School and defines their job, “to develop, foster, and maintain a positive school climate.” This course provides this team with 10 Essential Conversations they will need to have in order to build safe and nurturing school environments that support the social, emotional, and academic development of all students.

  • Understand the role of the School Climate Team in remote, hybrid, and in-school models of education
  • Engage the SCT in key conversations to foster school climate improvement
  • Use Social Emotional Learning (SEL), competency-based skills, to support a positive school climate
  • Develop an effective, systemic, and coherent school climate improvement plan


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