
Culturally Responsive Practices and Leadership

Time limit: 365 days
5.5 credits

$125 Enroll

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Instructor: Robin Harden Daniels, Ed.D. Contributing Consultant NJPSA | FEA

Culturally Responsive Practices is a powerful pedagogy. As such, it recognizes the importance of knowing and integrating students’ cultural references into instruction. This instructional approach requires educators to recognize and redress traditional psycho-social barriers to learning, barriers that have impeded the emergence of Black and Brown students as independent learners.

This process is described by some researchers as an "inside out" procedure. It begins when courageous educators identify and disrupt unconscious and explicit biases to challenge the systemic prejudices embedded in public education.  In pursuing this journey, they emerge as culturally literate practitioners and allies who are better able to close the learning gaps currently supported by status-quo instruction and leadership.

This course includes a 90-minute live synchronous session.

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