
Assessment Literacy and the Power of Formative Assessment

Time limit: 365 days
7.5 credits


Full course description

This course which was co-developed by FEA and ETS consists of five Assessment Literacy modules that are intended to help teachers develop and deepen their assessment literacy and understanding of the components of a balanced assessment system.

Each module uses a combination of readings, case studies, and discussion questions. We hope that teachers will be able to work with colleagues in their schools, in a learning community, or in a department- or grade-level team to talk about reactions to the activities; however, we also provide additional resources in the appendices for independent use if collaboration is not available.

Course Modules

  • Module 1: Introduction to Assessment Literacy   

  • Module 2: Balanced Assessment Systems 

  • Module 3: Characteristics of Good Assessment Design and Use  

  • Module 4: Formative Assessment  

  • Module 5: Pre-assessment

Fee: $225 per person

Group In-District Rate:

  • $125 per person for up to 50 people
  • $100 per person for 51-100 people
  • $75  per person for over 100 people

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